Monday, June 16, 2008

Spain Throughout the Year

Throughout the year, Spain has seen numerous changes in government, religion, and politics, that shaped Spain into the nation it is today. In the beginning of the year Spain was ruled by monarchs such as Phillip II and Ferdinand/ Isabella but as we transitioned to Modern Day Spain, monarchial rule gradually disappeared until it ceased to exist. In the beginning of the year, Spain was a country based upon religion, notably Catholicism, the Spanish have been known to be devoutly religious, which then manifested itself into the inquisition in the 15th century, where all those who were not Catholic were exiled or killed. However, as we transitioned religion took on a lesser role although, it still remained extremely important in Spain. Spain endured many hardships and wars in order to get to the point they are today. Over the course of the year, Spain was involoved in wars with England, the U.S, and even internal strife in the form of civil war. The Spanish people also faced many hardships such as: economic depression, internal strife, and neglect by the monarchy. However, Spain was able to prevail and it is now one of the most prosperous nations in the world.

year review

spain changed throughout the year.Spain started as a poor country divided into kingdom and its people into social class systems.the kingdoms united and formed spain.spain became more power with philip making it the most powerful country at one point. then the down fall of spain after he tried attacking queen elizabeth with the spanish armada.their economy was great before the spanish armada then fell and today is back to normal after the world wars.