Thursday, April 10, 2008

Spain and Portugal During Cold War

Spain and Portugal, being in Western Europe were mostly uneffected by the influence of the Soviet Union. Spain became an integral part of the U.S plan in Europe and they maintained a military presence along the Mediterranean. Spain's economy was beginnig to rememerge and thrive during the Cold War. As a result of the Cold War Portugal there were numerous instabilities in Portugal's overseas colonies.

Monday, April 7, 2008

WWII Spain

During World War II, Spain allied with the Axis Powers, mainly because they were pressured to do so by Italy and Germany. Initially they planned to be neutral, but that proved to be difficult as they were in the cross-fire between the Allies and the Axis powers. On one hand they feared invasion by the allies and on the other, Hitler and Germany threatenened to invade Spain. Spain then became a pawn in Hitler's plan to control the Mediterranean along with Vichy France. In the end, Spain fell along with the rest of the axis powers in Europe.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

WWII Italy

Italy was a country very involved in WWII. Mussolini had them enter the war with Germany in the Axis Powers. They were not a very strong military force in the war, and required Germany's assistance. The allies invaded Italy and quickly pushed upward as Mussolini was overthrown by rebels. Germany came into Italy to fight the Allies which lasted for the rest of the war.