Sunday, March 30, 2008

Spain's Position on the European Revolutions

Spain did not support the revolutions taking place throughout Europe. They certaintly did not want the Spanish people to decide to revolt as well. Spain decided to remove themselves from politics in order to maintain focus on the goings-on in their own country.

Spain Pre WWI

Spain was out of the foreign affairs and political scene leading up to the first World War. Spain maintained it's neutrality throughout the war because they did not have the means moniterally or technologically. Spain avoided entangling alliances in order to maintain their neutrality and stimulate the growth of their country.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Spain Leading up to World War I

Spain stayed out of the events leading up to WWI. Spain was gradually sinking into an almost "backwards" state, with their technology lagging behind the rest of Europe. Therefore, it did not have the necessary nationalism or power to unite and militarize to join a war. Spain also refrained from forming alliances, which further kept them out of World War I.